Mladí lidé v obci si vlastními silami vybudovali sportovní hřiště pro místní obyvatele na pronajatém pozemku od římskokatolické církve. Hřišťátko vypadá k světu a probíhají zde nejrůznější aktivity. Děkujeme všem, kteří přidali ruku k dílu, páč to byla fuška. Peníze na materiál jsme získali z programu EU Mládež. Obrázky je možno nalézt ve fotogalérii. Nechť nám slouží ještě mnoho let. Projekt byl podpořen z programu EU
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The way we live - the way we eat 2005..
Galerie Name: The Way We Live – The Way We Eat Aim : to explore cultural differences between participating nations through healthy lifestyle Date: 19.3. – 27.3.2005 Place: mountain cottage in Rokytnice nad Jizerou, Czech Republic Who: 6 European countries (1 leader over 18, 5 paricipants aged 18-20) Thank you for your interest in our spring project. There has been a huge number of groups keen on joining. All groups have confirmed their participation. Thanks. 1/Poland - Heart to Heart Foundation - A.Zieba 2/Malta - The National Student Travel Foundation - M.Schembri 3/Italy - Euronet - A. Amendolara 4/Estonia - Estonian UNESCO Youth Association - D.Jershov 5/Lithuania - Europe - D.Vazgirdas 6/Czechia - - R.Šikula Dear friends, our youth club – – is organizing a multilateral exchange for 6 participating countries (1 leader + 5 participants aged 18-20). Our aim is to explore cultural differences between participating nations through healthy lifestyle, as well as free-time activities. We would like to have a closer look at the term "healthy lifestyle" itself as well as to discuss various problems in connection with healthy diet (workshops). Each country will have an opportunity to introduce their own country. In addition each participating country can prepare one traditional meal or drink for all participants. (Do not worry there will be a professional cook present for help) There will be also a lot free time activities in which we will have a great chance to meet each other and have fun. Please, see the attached progamme outlook for details. This is of course a working material which can be changed or added in the course of time. Projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory programu EU